Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Tis’ the season for parties, warm drinks, and feasting! It’s the time of year when it seems nearly impossible not to gain weight. How can you say no to your grandmas home cooked mashed potatoes? Or your favorite seasonal drink that you have been waiting for all year??
Here are 5 tips on how to avoid holiday weight gain (without depriving yourself)
Eat before you arrive
Eat more food? Yes! Arriving to a party hungry is a recipe for a disaster. It leaves you much more vulnerable to eat with your eyes, not your brain. Have a protein shake, fruit, or salad before to avoid bloating yet feeling satisfied. This way there will be something in your stomach and it will give you more control over the amount you eat.
Slow it down
Avoid unbuttoning your pants after the holiday dinners by slowing down while you eat. It is easy to get to the point where it is painful to eat the next bite. Enjoy the time you have with family and friends. Taking part in conversations during meals will give your brain time to catch up with your stomach so that you can feel when you are actually full. While you are eating, try to make sure you are putting your fork down between bites, completely chewing your food, and stop when you are full!
Plan your workouts
During the busiest time of the year, it can be hard to find time to workout. Once you miss two or three sessions it’s game over. Set reminders or add it to your calendar to make sure you get moving. This can be as simple as a 30-minute walk, or a 20-minute at home workout. Get your friends or family involved!
Make healthier holiday choices
It is the time for warm drinks and hardy delicious meals. This doesn’t mean you have an excuse to put on your “winter coat”. There are hundreds of seasonal healthy and YUMMY options out there. Crockpots are a great way to make a very simple hot and ready meal. Make it fun, try a new recipe, and make it a new part of your holiday tradition.
There will be cookies, cakes, pies, eggnog, cocktails, and more. Don’t deprive yourself. It is all about balance. Enjoy yourself… in moderation. It all starts by eating smaller portions, taking smaller bites, and having one dessert (not everyone on the table). Take part in the holiday season and if you do slip up, remember to forgive yourself and to get back on it the following day.
Happy Holidays from the OC Fam!